Pinch-Hit Risk Calculator

Description: This calculator will help factor in the pinch-hit risk into the fair value of a bet.
  • Step 1 - Check if your player is the starting-lineup.
    • If your player is in the starting line-up, then the FV and EV% listed on the +EV page is correct.
    • If starting line-ups are not out, yet, then continue to Step 2.
  • Step 2 - Put the player name, FV odds and bet odds into the textboxes below:
    Player Name:
    Fair Value:
    Bet Odds:

  • Step 3 - Click the link below to pull up that player's stats.
    The Player's Page on

  • Step 4- Input the GS and G value for 2024 in the Appearances table from the player's page in Step 3.

  • Step 5 - Click the devig button below to re-devig, factoring in the pinch-hit risk.

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